Green Sports Pod

Episode 30: Pledgeball CEO/Founder Katie Cross


Katie Cross is a powerful example of how one person can make a difference.

Cross is working to spark a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reductions at scale in a novel way: By using the power of soccer/football and rivalry to incentivize fans to make climate-friendly behavior changes. She is doing so through Pledgeball, her 3-year-old, fast-growing, scientifically-researched-backed startup. So far, Pledgeballers — primarily in the UK so far — have made behavior change pledges equivalent to taking over 4,900 cars off the road.

In today’s vibrant, informative GreenSportsPod chat, Cross takes us through the thought and behavioral science behind Pledgeball, how the Bristol, England-based mum of three came to launch a climate-action-focused nonprofit, where she sees Pledgeball going from here, and more. Click here to listen to our interview, let us know what you think, and please share it so more sports fans will become Pledgeballers!

Pledgeball founder Katie Cross (Photo credit: Katie Cross)

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