Green Sports Pod

Ep. 35: Dr. Madeleine ‘Maddy’ Orr, Author of ‘Warming Up: How Climate Change Is Changing Sport’


Games canceled or postponed due to flooding or unhealthy orange-hued skies filled with wildfire ash. Increased injuries, illness, and even deaths suffered by athletes from extreme heat, avalanches and more. Significant economic and cultural losses.

These are just some of the impacts climate change is having on global sport now that are delved into in ‘Warming Up: How Climate Change Is Changing Sport,’ the deeply researched and illuminating new book by Dr. Maddy Orr, assistant professor of sport ecology at the University of Toronto, and published by Bloomsbury.

Given that today is Launch Day for ‘Warming Up,’ we are especially happy to welcome Dr. Orr to join us on GreenSportsPod. She 1) shares her inspirations for writing the book, 2) offers stories that illustrate how climate change is changing — and harming — sport all over the world, 3) highlights the efforts of the Green-Sports pioneers who are working to spark a #ClimateComeback, and 4) offers her thoughts on what the various corners of the sports world (teams/leagues, athletes, sponsors, media) can do to make a difference.

Click below to listen to the pod and click here to buy your copy of ‘Warming Up’.

Dr. Madeleine ‘Maddy’ Orr

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