Strong [strawng, strong] adjective
- Having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust;
- Especially able or powerful in a specific field;
- Of great moral power, firmness, or courage
This dictionary definition fits the Wales-born Kate Strong to a T. She exhibited all the characteristics above and then some last summer during her epic ‘Climate Cycle’ — a 3,000 mile, 3-month journey around the perimeter of mainland Great Britain on a bamboo bicycle she built herself. Along the way, she led or participated in over 30 grassroots events designed to inspire climate awareness and action.
We discussed the Climate Cycle as well as the circuitous and purpose-driven paths that led to it, her work with Climategames, the innovative ‘climate gamification’ startup she is working to midwife, and much more in this episode of GreenSportsPod. Click here to give a listen. Let us know what you think and please share!

Kate Strong during last summer’s Climate Cycle (Photo credit: Kate Strong)

Strong’s self-built bamboo bicycle (Photo credit: Kate Strong)

Strong’s Climate Cycle route (Image credit: Kate Strong)
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