Green-Sports News

US Green Building Council At The Intersection of Green & Sports


Rick Fedrizzi, CEO of the US Green Building Council, weighs in the on the importance of the intersection of Green & Sports, in a great blog post on The Huffington Post.

The only thing I disagree with in Fedrizzi’s post is that Syracuse-Duke last Saturday was “hands down, the greatest basketball game EVER”.  Rick, RICK–love the enthusiasm but there are MANY games that will go down as greater than the admittedly excellent contest at Carrier Dome.  How about the Duke-Kentucky East Regional Final in ’92 (“The Shot” from Christian Laettner) for starters?

Sports arguments are fun (especially when I’m RIGHT!) but what is inarguable is that, per Fedrizzi, that “there’s nothing quite like the power of a sporting event to help spread the word”.  The word, in this case, is that “we’ve got to double down on efficiency…and explore alternative energy options in the process.”



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  1. Gotta love the friendly “fights” of sports guys. As long as you agree on the GREEN issues…

  2. Fedrizzi and I definitely agree on the latter!

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