GSB In The Media

GreenSportsBlog Given Sunshine Blogger Award


Fellow blogger and GreenSportsBlog commenter Candy Korman has given GSB a coveted Sunshine Blogger Award. Candy is a Murder Mystery writer extraordinaire (and tango dancer). Her Candy’s Monsters blog is a great way to get to her books–and thus, into her fun, devious, clever, often sly mind.

The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients are “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” So, Candy, thank you very much for this award, as all of us bloggers, whether in the GreenSports  corner of the blogosphere, the Murder Mystery corner or any other corner, know how far a little recognition can go.


Sunshine Award
The way the award works is this… Recipients thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them (DONE!) Answer questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! I don’t know that I have 10 but I’ll do my best.

First, to the questions:

1: What is your passion?

If you know me, then you know I have many–and often not enough time to pursue them all. But here are a few, aside from the obvious Green & Sports:  Like Candy, Argentine Tango (been dancing it since 1992 with some breaks in between), tennis, politics, classical music and cycling.

A crowded, vibrant tango “milonga” (dance event) at New York City’s Triangulo, the only dance studio in the city devoted solely to tango (Photo Credit:

2: Favorite Time of the year?

RIGHT NOW! I mean, from a sports perspective, you’ve got the just completed (and Greening) US Open, the start of the pro and college football season, the stretch drive in baseball, the Ryder Cup in golf…

3: Favorite book?

Impossible to pick one but I’ll go, on the fiction side, with “Fifth Business” from the fantastic Canadian author Robertson Davies. Either you’ll get hooked on the first sentence and you’ll get why I picked it (“Magical Mystery Fiction” per Christopher Lehmann Haupt in the NY Times in 1970), or you’ll be bored by the first page and say “that Lew has some book issues.”

Non-fiction, I go with two: One is green-related… “Hot, Flat & Crowded” by Thomas L. Friedman. The other is a sports book, “When The Garden Was Eden”, by Harvey Araton, about the 1970-1973 New York Knicks.

4: Favorite movie?

I’ll go with 2: For drama, “It’s A Wonderful Life”. For comedy, based on the movie at which I laughed the most, I’m gonna go with Woody Allen’s “Sleeper” (Roberto Benigni’s “Il Mostro” (“The Monster”) is a close 2nd). So that’s 3! This is hard!

5: Favorite animal?

Cats. Hey, that’s what we grew up with!

6: Favorite time of the day?

6:30 AM. I wake up at around that time every day, sans alarm. Love the early morning.

7: Favorite flower?

I’m not an expert on this category but I’ll go with tulips.

8: Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

H2O (not from a single-serve plastic bottle)

9: Favorite physical activity?

Dancing tango, playing tennis, riding my bike. On the latter, I especially love the first few pedal strokes as they make me feel like a kid.

10: Favorite vacation?

My favorite place is actually close to home and that’s the Berkshire Hills in Western Mass. Summer in the Berkshires is especially great, with Tanglewood, the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, being my favorite attraction. Sublime.


The lawn at Tanglewood, Lenox, MA at dusk, perhaps the best venue for a classical music concert anywhere.


OK, my awardees are, in no particular order:

LearnedOn, a terrific blog about sustainability and social engagement from Andrea Learned out in the Pacific Northwest.

TheJetsBlog, which pretty much needs no explanation. OK, I’ll give one–there are a ton of fan-based Jets blogs but this one is the most professional.

TheSustainableInvestor, from new blogger Jen Ballen, offers an insightful take on the growing, often confusing world of sustainable investing.’s blog, from Aileen McManamon in Vancouver. 5TSports is a consulting firm that brings technology- and sustainability-related solutions to help solve problems in the sports industry (full disclosure: GreenSportsBlog occasionally provides green-sports content to 5Tsports’ blog).

OnTheBanks, my favorite Rutgers (my alma mater) sports blog. Lots of excitement on the blog and on The Banks (of the Raritan River) about the visit from Penn State on Saturday.



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  1. I hope you enjoy your Sunshine Award and that it brings new followers to the Green Sports Blog!
    Glad Tango is up there with your other passions — sports and Green, etc. I hope to see you at a Milonga soon. The one answer that jumped out at me was 6:30am! Oh my… that’s early. I’m often up at that hour but only when I’m pondering how to kill someone (usually in fiction) or worrying about a freelance writing project. It’s nice to see that someone actually LIKES 6:30. No wonder you’re a tennis player…

  2. Thanks for the comment–and for the Sunshine Award, Candy! The 6:30 in the AM thing becomes tricky when I have to get up at 5:30 for 6:30 AM tennis (as will be the case Friday). I need an alarm for 5:30 most times :).

  3. Congratulations, Lewis.     Loved your comments.   Your MA      

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