“Green Gotham,” a 30-minute interview show hosted by yours truly debuts today at 12:30 pm on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN). This new show introduces viewers to New York City’s exciting and vibrant green happenings and the visionary players making them possible.
Green Gotham’s eight fast-paced episodes will demonstrate that New Yorkers are taking on climate change and other environmental problems with creativity and passion. Today’s episode features Michelle Andry, an administrator with the Urban Assembly School For Green Careers (UAGC), a specialty public high school on the Upper West Side which prepares students for careers in Green Building and Green Spaces (i.e. agriculture, horticulture, etc.). Joining Ms. Andry is one of UAGC’s recent graduates and leading lights, Kendy Francois.
Future episodes will focus on:
- The downtown, clean-tech start-up scene
- A company that developed a streetlight powered by solar and wind.
- Composting, NYC apartment-style
- And more!
We are working on getting a guest from the intersection of Green and Sports–which will thus make Green Gotham relevant to GreenSportsBlog readers. But remember, this is a SHAMELESS PLUG so hopefully it’s ok to go off-topic today.
Here are some Green Gotham FAQs:
Q: I live in Manhattan. What channel is MNN on?
A: Depends on what cable system you have. If you have Time-Warner Cable, it’ll air on ch. 56, RCN, ch. 83, Verizon FiOS, ch. 34.
Q: What if I don’t have cable?
A: You can watch it online at mnn.org.
Q: What if I don’t live in Manhattan or I can’t be online at 12:30 today?
A: Each Green Gotham episode will go up on YouTube and Vimeo as soon as the first MNN airing is finished (1 pm EDT today). You can find the links to each by visiting our Facebook page at 1 or after: http://facebook.com/greengothamtv1
Let me know via Facebook what you think of Green Gotham (please share it with your networks!) and thanks as always for reading GreenSportsBlog. Now back to the intersection of Green and Sports!
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Thanks, Maura! I know you’re beyond busy but if you have a chance to give Green Gotham a look, LMK what you think. YouTube and Vimeo links to come soon so then you’ll be able to watch it anytime, anywhere you have an internet connection.
Congrats,Lew! Look forward to watching it.